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Thoughts upon the World
I have also written some texts
![]() a meeting of minds between teenage boy and girl (147 pages) ![]() a teenager discovers adults' world (132 pages) IL FAISAIT CHAUD some teenagers wonder how they can form their opinions and what stands beyond words (137 pages) ![]() a boy and a girl try to live their love together (138 pages) IL FAUT QUE JE SOIS UN HOMME in the ancient farmers' world, the question marks of some teenagers about their being (171 pages) LA VALLEE EST LOIN some teenagers talk over the meaning of life (135 pages) IL PLEUT - Venise en 1973 the end of a world in Venice painfully experienced by its young inhabitants (177 pages) Preface of Dottor Marino Zorzi, Director of the Marciana National Library in Venice (Italy) UNE NEIGE FINE VENAIT DE TOMBER - Paris en 1948 discovery of Paris in 1948, experienced and compared with counties by two young lovers (282 pages) JE LA VOYAIS DANS LE MIROIR the young hero ponders upon the strange reality of existence (219 pages) DERNIERES VACANCES AVANT L'ANNEE DES EXAMENS for summer holidays a boy gets back to his original mountains and falls in love with a girl living there. Plenitude of daily life (185 pages) LES ORGES VENAIENT DE FRISSONNER young friends are on summer holidays, chatting quietly and marveling at nature, whilst time glides by, day after day (228 pages) VITE, NOUS ALLONS RATER LE PETIT TRAIN! a group of pals spend peaceful summer holidays in the country. Two of them, who have loved each other since childhood, decide to build their own life (261 pages) ELLE VENAIT D'APPARAITRE HORS DU BOIS two teenagers in love, walking around the countryside (292 pages) AUTOUR DE MOI, LES OISEAUX CHANTAIENT Milady and Sire (358 pages) JE PARS AU LOIN with what at the end of it? (321 pages) UN SOUFFLE D'AIR CHAUD VENAIT DE ME REVEILLER Master Duckling leads summer lessons (223 pages) LA RIVIERE DORT A L'OMBRE DES GRANDS VERGNES strolling in Charente (403 pages) LE PAYSAGE ME REGARDAIT tender novel in Lorraine (193 pages) L’AUBE COMMENÇAIT A PERCER LA NUIT a boy and a girl in Versailles love each other with sincerity (409 pages)
![]() one act tragedy where the heroine faces society and gods
![]() deeply moving stories nourished with the author's life (131 pages)
REVES ET FLANERIES sonnets mainly, dreaming and nonchalant (77 poems)
PRAECOR 121 short satirical articles upon daily life in society
![]() memories of strolling, written with Eléonore Mongiat, in her mountainous country north of Venice (46 pages) SOUVENIRS DU FRIUL in Italian - A passionate translation by Claudio Petris
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