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Why the French countryside?...
Because it was one of the mightiest rural lands in Europe; because it is the image of the peasant who lived more or less in the same way since prehistorical times; because it reveals a magical harmony between humans, animals and nature. In the soft landscape of this countryside, I could see the human being's face, who shaped it.


At midnight...
the radio announced great snow falls
and snow drifts on the motorway. Equipment hurriedly gathered, we left the Paris area for Bourgogne by car.
We arrived at the first glimpse of
the dawn, at 11°F below zero, in a sparkling, immaculate new snow. No more heating in the car - no time to repair, never mind! - and then two days of photos in silence and solitude.

• 法国乡村照片(黑白)
A solitary Tree (Les Nans, Jura) A Ladder near Sauzelles (Le Blanc, Berry) Clouds in Duesmois (Burgundy) Here we are ! (Charolaises Cows, Burgundy) Emorots in Duesmois (Burgundy)
• 法国乡村照片(黑白)
Meadows at Cordesse (Autun, Burgundy) Harvest in Duesmois (Burgundy) Pond at Chars (Vexin français) At Le Grand Marié (Luzy, Burgundy) Burgundy little Road (Luzy)
• 法国乡村照片(黑白)
At Le Grand Marié (Luzy, Burgundy) Cow behind Hedge (Luzy, Burgundy) Auxois Hills in the distance (Burgundy) Path (Auxois, Burgundy) Hamlet near Blancey (Auxois, Burgundy)
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威尼斯和她的环礁湖 (彩色)     法国乡村 (彩色)     Friul     大厅

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