In this Cdrom, nearly 1,800 photos are available.
Nevertheless, handling Cdrom is very simple : insert, it runs immediately (no install necessary).

However, if you prefer to run it manually, open your cd driver : COME IN.htm  Then, select BY-DEFAULT FONTS in your browser ( to select it in Explorer : click View, Text Size, Medium )  and  FULL SCREEN  ( F11 on your keyboard - F11 to go back )  At last, click the photo.

When beginning

MAIN PAGE (in a yellow colour) enables you to go elsewhere in the Cdrom. There you can :
- choose a COLLECTION OF PHOTOS, either in colour or in black & white : Bretagne, Normandie, Ile de France, Ségala...
These names represent a country, or a matter, such as Factories...
- choose a BACKGROUND for the photos. There are three available backgrounds : black, grey and white, located in the bottom of the page; click the black, grey or white cell, and the desired background colour will appear on the right rectangle. Then you only have to determine the collection of photos you wish. Grey remains the default background colour
- choose a MAP
- choose a COMMENT
- read the text ABOUT COUNTRYSIDE
- get some HELP
- CLOSE Cdrom

When moving inside the Cdrom, you can

- from the very first page to get MAIN PAGE (in a yellow colour)
- from the small photo to get the larger
- from the large to get the smaller

CLICK NUMBER - it represents the page number of the photos
- 1 to get page number 1, 2 to get page number 2... in whatever order you'd wish
- the number of the page where you are turns red; when you go to another page, the number of the page you have already visited turns blue-green

- the right arrow goes to next page
- the left arrow goes back to previous page
- the right and left arrows remain inactive displaying a bubble insert when you are on the first or last page of the collection of photos (such as Auvergne : page 1 and 16)

- to select another COLLECTION OF PHOTOS
- to select another BACKGROUND for the photos
- to get a MAP
- to get a COMMENT
- to read the text ABOUT COUNTRYSIDE
- to get some HELP
- to CLOSE Cdrom

Windows functions

Remind that you can use WINDOWS FUNCTIONS at any time :
- copy and paste
- save
- save as wallpaper
- print
Just click right on the concerned object (image for instance) and select your function
You can also try on your KEYBOARD :
- copy :
      · select all ctrl+A
      · copy ctrl+C
      · then paste in a new file ctrl+V
- save : ctrl+S
- print : ctrl+P

Your KEYBOARD will be most useful. You can :
- close Cdrom pressing ALT+F4
- go back to the last pages you have already visited pressing ALT+left arrow (among the block of four arrows down right on your keyboard)
- after that, go ahead to the pages you have already visited pressing ALT+right arrow

If you prefer not to use AUTORUN, you can
- click index.htm
- or click COME IN.htm then F11 on your keyboard
These two possibilities will open your Cdrom in full screen

Quick description of the Cdrom

The Cdrom contains nearly 1,800 photos, in colour and in black & white; they were taken, mostly from 1980 and 1995, in the country of France (Europe). A caption accompanies each thumbnail photo and appears in a bubble insert when you keep the mouse for a while on a photo; this caption is also written down by the enlarged photo

COMMENTS  give you further information : a short HISTORY OF MY PHOTOGRAPHS, a glance on my OTHER CDROMS,  then on my WRITINGS,   the OPINION of Monsieur Jean-Claude Dupuis on my work, and finally how to  CONTACT  me and how to receive a PHOTOGRAPH PRINT


Displeased with administrative difficulties, I came to realise myself the necessary maps. They are supposed to permit an easier location of the photos, for the maps display the key places, regions and rivers mentioned in the Cdrom, yet the main towns and rivers, also a scale in kilometres (1 Mile = 1.6 Km)
A general map of France points to some reference big cities and rivers, and to the ten different countries mentioned in MAIN PAGE. Eight maps figure the following countries : BRETAGNE, NORMANDIE, AQUITAINE, ILE DE FRANCE, ALPES, GASCOGNE, AUVERGNE, SEGALA. As for VERSAILLES and the FACTORIES, they do not correspond to a particular map : VERSAILLES has been indicated onto the map of ILE DE FRANCE, and the FACTORIES, onto the general map of FRANCE
The CATALOGUE OF THE PHOTOS LOCATION contains all the names of the places, regions and rivers mentioned in the Cdrom. This photos location is listed within each country. When the symbol " > " appears, it means "near to", so that only the spot following this symbol will appear on the map as being best known
You can go to the map by simply clicking one of the countries specified below AUTHOR'S MAPS. You can also go to the map by clicking one of the countries specified below the CATALOGUE OF THE PHOTOS LOCATION, and then any name listed within each country
Click map to come back


At last, I should say that this Cdrom has been conceived to work with a SCREEN RESOLUTION OF 800 x 600 PIXELS. I find that this resolution is really the best for the photos. (You can adjust it by clicking right on the screen, left on properties, then parameters, and selecting your resolution; finally : OK - You can change it later as many times as you wish)

The other point I'd like to underline concerns the size of the fonts to be used in the Cdrom. Much better is to select BY-DEFAULT FONTS in your browser (to select it, open Explorer, click View, then Text Size, then Medium). You can change it later as many times as you wish

Now, enjoy your trip across countryside!